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New Website!

·2 mins

Welcome to my new website!

It was time for a fresh start. I had built the old website with Create React App, and it seems like the React world is starting to move on. It also had some usability problems:

  • There was no blog CMS, so every page had to be built and formatted by hand. This gets tedious fast!
  • It lacked rich previews when sharing links on social media.
  • It had a complex dependency graph. Keeping the dependencies up to date was a lot of work, and if you fall behind it’s extremely difficult to catch back up.

The new website will hopefully address these issues. It’s built with Hugo using the Congo theme. I’ve found recently that I really enjoy using Go–it’s so fast!–so Hugo seemed like a natural fit when I was looking for a new website framework. So far, though, building this website hasn’t required touching Go code at all. That may change as I get deeper into the weeds of customization. In the meantime, I love that I can write blog posts in Markdown and have them neatly organized by date and Hugo compiles the entire website in less than a second.

This site is a bit light on content for now, but over the coming weeks I’ll port over some old project pages and post updates on some new side projects. I hope you’ll come along for the ride!

Ira Kaplan
Ira Kaplan